“Taking Flight”

Muhammad Owais
2 min readJun 18, 2021


This 3 months Beautiful Journey comes to an End, I really can’t believe that how fast this time flew by but when I look at myself in this unofficial graduation picture from the last session, I tell myself that “ Finally I did It”.

In the very final session of this journey, We decided to go with the Dakoo(robbers) theme in our final session to make it a little more memorable. First, we shared our own experiences about this fellowship. How Amal academy changed the perspective of some social things that we never focused on and how this journey helps us to make a better version of ourselves.

We Played a very Interesting game called Scavenger hunt where we have to first solve the riddle and click the picture with that riddle’s answer. It was such an amazing activity because of the brilliant funny pictures of the fellows with the items. I still remember that I clicked a picture with the egg and the chatbox was filled with “Anday Garam Anday Garam” and this comment was actually hilarious because I was not able to control my laugh and It eventually helps in uplifting my mood. I really think that the activity name should switch from Scavenger hunt to MEME Hunt.

After this activity, we were given a very short little break as usual but this time we decided not to utilize this break for breakfast or a little short nap but we made some Thankyou PlayCards for our PA and PM. It was a little surprise from our batch and I really hope that they would have loved this small surprise.

In the end, It was getting really emotional for all the fellows that It’s our last session and this learning will stop eventually. But Guess what?
“Never stop learning because life never stops teaching”

The Principles that we learned in this amal academy course which was Kaam Kaam Kaam, Ek Aur Gyara, and Khudi. I really think that these will stick to us for a very long time. In this journey, I found some amazing personalities that I would love to be in touch with them through Social media platforms. After this final session, we had a very small in-person meetup session and I really hope we will continue to meet like this in the future.

Amal Academy is one of my life’s best decisions but Now it’s time to say Goodbye to the Amal Family.
Signing off from Batch 188.

