Eat that Frog with a Pomodoro

Muhammad Owais
2 min readApr 16, 2021


Pomodoro technique is basically a time management method, It uses a timer to break down work into intervals in order to increase the work efficiency rate.

Since I have to submit a University assignment before 21st April. I decided to work on it. It’s a numerical based assignment having more than 10 Questions which I have to submit in the form of PDF on google classroom.

I started my stopwatch and started working on the assignment. When the first time bell rings, I was so happy that I have a break. Since It’s Ramazan I can’t treat myself with some candies I rewarded myself with some time on Social media apps. After just 5 minutes, I was so shocked how fast time flies and I really wanted to spend more time on my mobile phone but then I recalled that I was following pomodoro technique and I went to work again. I followed this procedure for 5 times which cost me around 2.5 hours. And I was able to complete this assignment way before I anticipated.

I really liked this method and will definitely follow this technique in the near future. The best part of this technique was that I did not feel overwhelmed by the workload because most of the time when I try to accomplish something I work on it continuously until I manage to complete it due to which I feel so exhausted. and this technique was also very efficient because I completed my assignment way before than I expected it to be.

I also faced some challenges while following this method is that :
1) Lack of work privacy at homes ( Since my family members use to call me again and again) so I have decided to inform my family before implementing this method on any task.
2) It was very difficult for me to come back to work after spending break time on social media so what I have decided is that I will be doing any other activity in my breaktime to relax my mind other than using my cellphone.

